Millions of people watched Gail Lewis bid a heartfelt farewell to her fellow Walmart store workers in Morris, Illinois, after 10 years on the job — all because of a TikTok video.
The video, uploaded Nov. 16, has been seen almost 22 million times as of Nov. 25 and spawned hundreds of memes and hot takes. Lewis left for a new job and told TikTok followers her sign-off was "happy sad" because her co-workers had become like family to her.
"I've been through a lot with them," she said. "They watched my back. I watched theirs. They helped me out. I helped them out."
If we're fortunate, we find a few people in our workplaces worthy of forming such bonds. I've found a few I gratefully regard as family and friends.
But you'd do well to keep this truth in mind: Your job is not your family. They don't love you — even if they tell you they do. Your family can't downsize you. They pay you for a service. If you die, they'll immediately begin talking about your replacement. You are the only one looking out for your career and your pocketbook. Keep a clear head about this and recognize if and when it's time to leave your "work family" for greener pastures.
"Where I'm going, I'm going to better off where I'm at," Lewis said. "That's all."
Good luck, Gail.
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